18 Mart 2017 Cumartesi


Hello again! Today we will talk about Procsin's newly released and very popular peelable black Gold Mask mask.

The product is 100 ml in size. It promises to clear the pores with its completely black and peelable structure. Many Korean products are available in the market, but we preferred the Procsin brand, which we have used before.

There is a distinct perfume smell from the product, but it is not an uncomfortable smell and it does not aggravate while waiting in your face. It is advised to apply the skin after cleansing with cold water so that the effect is increased in order to tighten the pores and refresh the skin. As stated in many commentaries, it is suggested to use twice a week in search of two days, but we think that it will be enough to use once a week.

After you have left the product for about 15 to 20 minutes, you have to peel it off your face. First of all, we can say that this is ideal for those who have mixed and oily skin. Already peelable masks are masks produced mainly for mixed and oily skin, complaining of comedones and blackheads. This mask, like its dupes, can create sensitivity on dry binders while dry after dry. Obviously, we do not really recommend this mask to dry binders because it really creates a sense of tension when cleansing the skin, and peeling can also cause redness on dry skin. As long as you do not hold the mask for too long in oily and mixed binders, there is no sensitivity problem.

It has a slightly better performance than the blackhead stripes in cleaning the pores whilst looking at the effect of the mask. But we have not experienced the tightening effect of enlarged pores. One of the main effects of the product is that you feel clean and spacious after your application. Controlling the oiling is also successful. The biggest minus is the hard peeling. While cleaning the mask, it can be quite difficult, we rinsed out with the latest cleaning gel. However, especially if you succeed in removing the pores in areas where the pores are particularly dense, such as the T zone, you can notice that it cleanses your pores.

In short, we were pleased with the overall performance of the product. For mixed and oily skin a maximum of two times a week is sufficient. Dry and sensitive volumes are not a product we can recommend. If your skin is dry but you have enlarged pores, a moisturizing clay mask will suffice for your skin. The current price of the product is 25 TL.

Hope you like the post. See you next time!

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